Accident Scene Management / Road Guardians
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Accident Scene Management / Road Guardians
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May 3, 2024
Atco, NJ – William Gardner has been a motorcyclist since 1992, owning several different motorcycles from sport to full touring.  His current bike is a 2015 BMW R1200RT.  His public safety experience began in 1986 as a Fire Explorer. He then become an EMT in 1992 and has been in EMS serving his community ever...
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Williamsburg, VA – Harold has been riding since 2003 but says, “I have yet to earn a cool nickname.”  His first ride was a Honda ACE 750.  He now suffers from a severe case of MMS (multiple motorcycle syndrome) with a BMW 1250 RT and a Honda Trail 125 in his living room (AKA garage)....
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