Accident Scene Management / Road Guardians
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Accident Scene Management / Road Guardians
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Road Guardians Membership


Road Guardian Members help us involve motorcyclists in working towards our goal of reaching zero motorcycle fatalities. 

We do this by providing First Response Education to our students so they are prepared to assist at the scene of a motorcycle crash. Sign up now or renew your current membership.  All proceeds are used exclusively to provide access to safety information and training, as well as support access to our classes and instructors.

Why Join Road Guardians

When you join Road Guardians as a member, you become part of our efforts to reduce injuries and fatalities to motorcyclists. You will also receive Rewards, Resources, and Recognition – all for just $25/year. 

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View Member Benefits

Members receive exclusive access to our private RG Facebook group as well as access to our smart savings program, discounts on classes and more!

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Membership Options

Re-occurring Annual Road Guardians Membership
Save yourself the hassle of an annual manual payment


Road Guardians Annual Membership


3 Year Road Guardians Membership


Renew Your Road Guardians Membership for 3 Years 

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Lifetime Road Guardians Membership


What is Road Guardians?

The Road Guardian membership program launched in 2010 to expand and support Accident Scene Management’s (ASM) mission to reduce injuries and fatalities. ASM is a non-profit organization established in 1996 that has successfully been able to reduce injuries and fatalities to motorcyclists through First Response Education. Since 1996, over 35,000 students have been trained by 140+ certified instructors in 32 states. Leveraging ASM’s knowledge and experience, Road Guardians program was created as a nationally branded program among motorcyclists that encourages life long learning by providing Resources, Rewards and Recognition to those who are properly trained & properly licensed.

The program encourages motorcyclists to see motorcycle safety as a larger topic, comprised of six educational components:

  1. Rider education
  2. State licensing and laws education
  3. Impaired rider education
  4. Apparel education
  5. Motorist awareness education and
  6. First response education. provides both free and paid member services.

We seek to create a one-stop community for learning ways to improve riding skills, links to safety education and services, legal resources (as recommended by Bikers), biker owned businesses, local and national events and news. Join Road Guardians today and become part of our community!

What is a ‘Certified’ Road Guardian (recognition of training)?

Our Road Guardian members are encouraged to take the next step and become “Certified” Road Guardians. We wondered, who among us has the training we recommend for every motorcyclist?
  • Accident Scene Management Basic & Advanced
  • Rider Education (can be Basic or Advanced)
Certification is a one time process and costs $15. Upon validation of a current CPR card, current ASM training and any kind of rider education (there is no expiration date for that card); we will issue a certificate and a certified rocker for your Road Guardians patch. Once certified we do not require revalidation.
First step is to become a Road Guardians member which means you have joined our mission to reduce injuries and fatalities to motorcyclist. After that you can work toward or apply for certification if you have all of your certificates. The certification application is located in the secure membership area of our website