Accident Scene Management / Road Guardians
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Accident Scene Management / Road Guardians
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CAPCE Continuing Education Hours Application

EMS Professionals wishing to collect continuing education hours can apply by completing this application and paying $1.00/credit. Your information will be submitted to CAPCE who will confirm CEHS have been issued for your class.

You can pay for your credits using PayPal or a Credit Card. You will be taken to payment after submitting your application. If we receive an application without payment, it will not be processed.

CAPCE Continuing Education Hours Application Form

Anyone wishing to collect Continuing Education Credits will need to apply and pay $1.00/credit requested. They must also complete the activity they are applying for. Once we have the completed paperwork from the instructor AND this completed form with payment, CEH's will be issued electronically via email.

I agree to the following statement regarding the collection of my personal data and the collection of my CEH's
I understand that Accident Scene Management/Road Guardians, as a requirement of CAPCE accreditation will submit a record of my course completions to the CAPCE Accreditation Management System. I further understand that my course completion records may be accessed by or shared with such regulators as state EMS offices, training officers, and NREMT on a password-protected need-to know basis. In addition, I understand that I may review my record of CAPCE accredited course completions by contacting CAPCE at

To proceed, complete this form. You will be taken to payments where you will pay $1.00 per CE

IMPORTANT NOTE: You may only apply before or within 10 days post course completion. Applications that occur outside of this time period will NOT be refunded. If you apply in advance and do not complete the course, you will NOT receive a refund. Questions: contact
Choose all that apply (at least one required)(Required)
Choose for the list of classes you will be or have taken for which you are applying for CEH's. Do not apply for classes that you are not taking or have not taken.
Each class has a unique identifier that starts with the year. You will find this number in your class registration confirmation or you can email with your class date and location to get the class number.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
If you took a 100 and 300 series class on the same weekend and are applying for Basic & Advanced classes, just complete the start date.
The City and State your class will be/was held in(Required)
Your Name(Required)
Your Address
Your Email Address(Required)
In case we have questions
Professional Title for which you are licensed
Month & Year of State license expiration
Expiration Date
National EMS ID
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.