IT-Instructor-Led ASM Basic 100 series class. Lead Instructor: Paul Callahan, AEMT/TEMS. Location: Bert’s Black Widow Harley Davidson. This class is closed. Spider City HOG members only until February 15th. The class will then OPEN to the general public, starting with the waitlist, so please click on the form below to add your name if you are not a member of the HOG chapter, and we will contact you. The class fee is only $50 (value: $150) due to the generous sponsorship of Sunshine State Lawyers. This will include all class materials, a patch, certificate, lunch, and trauma pack provided by Sunshine State Lawyers. A $5 discount is also available to Road Guardian members. Sign into the secure Road Guardian member area at to get the code. For more information or help with registration, contact or call 262-706-3278.
ASM/Road Guardians is accredited by CAPCE.
For more information or to view a complete list of classes, go to
To be placed on a waitlist, please CLICK HERE and complete this form. We will reach out to you when the class opens up.