All renewals require you to sign on to the website to access the secure instructor area. You can reset your password if you do not remember it.
Links to sign a contract and/or pay the annual $35.00 fee (which includes your RG membership).
Annual Instructors:
In 2023 you will need to complete a Conflict of Interest form. This is a one time form that is required by our accrediting organization, CAPCE.
You will complete the contract and submit it. After submitting you will be taken to payments.
Lifetime Instructors:
You do not need to pay the annual fee but they still need to complete the annual contract. After signing and submitting the contract, you can back out.
Recurring Payment Instructors:
Though your annual fee is processed automatically, you will still need to complete the contract.
After signing the contract and submitting it, you will be taken to payments where you can simply back out.
There are a few of you who have contacted me about how life and COVID have made it hard for you to teach these past couple of years. I know it has been difficult. I am encouraging all of you to continue to remain available to your motorcycling communities with your expertise. Motorcycle crashes have NOT gone down. You can support the organization by remaining available. Instructors pay only $15 more/year than a Road Guardian member and get unlimited service, including free class listings and curriculum support.
If you have not taught for a year or two I encourage you to reach out to someone who is teaching a class where you can attend. While that instructor would not be expected to pay you to attend or pay for your travel expenses, I believe I speak for most, if not all of you, when I say that you would be welcome to attend and help students with hands-on skills. This will help keep you more familiar with the curriculum.