Accident Scene Management / Road Guardians
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Accident Scene Management / Road Guardians
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Blood Type Patches

Do you know your Blood Type?
Does your Spouse or Riding Companion know your Blood Type?

“While we hope that you never need to have an unspoken way to share this information with First Responders and Medical Personnel, we have been told it is a good idea to have your Blood Type information available in case of Emergency.

These 2″ rounded square patches don’t take up much room on your riding gear
but could give important information at a challenging time.

They are offered in white thread, but please reach out to us if you need the writing and the border in a different color to coordinate with your organization’s color scheme. Ride Safe and See You Soon!”

Order emergency blood type patches HERE

Meet Pearl’s Patches LLC, We are Hippy Santa and Mama Pearl!

Mama Pearl started the groundwork for Pearl’s Patches LLC as a creative therapeutic outlet during her Eye Cancer journey.

A series of motorcycle rides in the summer of 2016 lead to the discovery of Ocular Melanoma while she was finishing her degree in Graphic Design.

By combining her experience and background in computer graphics, retail sales, and abundant creativity, the concept of Pearl’s Patches seemed like a great way to share her art with the motorcycle community that saved her life!

Healing from the various surgeries, procedures, a car-totaling accident on the way home from one of the check-ups, and the successful Proton Radiation took some time, but eventually energy, endurance and creativity were allowed to coexist, and the first Pop-Up Patch Booths began in 2021.

A simple start

What started as a hobby and creative outlet for a Cancer Survivor and her favorite Biker has grown over the years into something really neat!

A simple pickup truck, a used EZ Up and a couple of old tables has grown into a 10×15 canopy and 2-10×10 tents at some events!

We started with just one, single needle embroidery machine (that we wore out in year two!) and now we have a fifteen needle embroidery machine with a huge sash frame, as well as a traveling machine for the rallies where we can camp at our booth.

To a fantastic adventure!

We began our Pop-Up Events humbly at a couple of area Biker Bars and the local H-D dealership and now we haul our trailer to at least 3 states during the Summer Riding Season.

We have traded smiles with many awesome customers and our patches are now found in multiple countries!

Have you had a chance to visit us yet? Click HERE to visit our website. 10% of all sales will be donated to support Accident Scene Management!

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