Accident Scene Management / Road Guardians
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Accident Scene Management / Road Guardians
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Ways to Make a Difference

As we enter the holiday season, did you know there are ways to support Accident Scene Management with little to no cost to you? ASM is a grassroots 5013c organization where every donation, no matter the amount, makes a real difference. We hope you will decide to support our cause of reducing injuries and fatalities to motorcyclists this holiday season. Below are a few different ways you can help.


Have a portion of your holiday shopping donated to ASM, with no cost to you! This is a completely free way to support our organization while you do your online shopping. Not only is it free, when you sign up and make a purchase within the first 30 days, you will automatically earn a $5 donation for the organization. Sign up for iGive today!


Donate your spare change to make a change! With Roundup donating your spare change is easy. Simply sign up for Roundup, enter your card or bank account information, and voila! Every purchase you make will automatically round up to the nearest dollar, and the difference will be donated to ASM. A truly effortless way to donate to a great cause! Click here to sign up and start donating today

Memorial Donation

Will you be missing a loved one this holiday season? Honor their memory by adding them to our Memorial Wall. There is no minimum donation amount and we will help you pay tribute to them by posting a picture and a few loving words to go along with it. There is also an option to send a card to whomever you choose (no additional cost), notifying them of the memorial post so they can see as well. To view our Memorial Wall click here.

Ebay Giving

 Do you have items laying around that you’ve been waiting to get rid of? With Ebay Giving you can sell unwanted items and have the proceeds donated directly to ASM. Click here for more information on how to get started.

Make a One Time Donation

Make a one-time donation of any dollar amount. ASM is a 501c3 non-profit organization, so all donations are tax deductible. Click here to make a one time donation.


Set Up a Recurring Donation

Set up a recurring donation of any amount, for any interval. Weekly, monthly, yearly… you decide. All donations to ASM are tax deductible at the end of the year as we are a 501c3 non-profit organization. Click here to make a recurring donation to ASM.


Want even more ways to give back? Visit our Free Ways to Help page and see if there isn’t another option that may interest you.

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