September 6-9 Fort Bliss El Paso, Texas – 12 Army Medics were trained as ASM instructors and will be charged with training every motorcycling soldier at Fort Bliss regarding the specifics of motorcycle trauma care. Because our training is similar to Armed Forces Medical Training with limited supplies and a focus on saving a person’s life, the training fits perfectly with what they already know. Colleen Vetere, ASM instructor Trainer from Denver Colorado had a natural connection to the Fort Bliss group since she is a veteran herself. She and her husband, Jimmy Barham spent 4 days completing training which included a Basic and Advanced class.
ASM Training is making an IMPACT on motorcycling. What started out as a simple attempt to get those around me trained in the event something might happen to me; ASM has now grown to be the International Leading organization in Motorcycle Trauma Training! It is the only organized accredited program in the United States. Australia launched its own (though connected) Accident Scene Management Australia Program several years ago and has now expanded to New Zealand. They are working with Singapore to expand to that area as well. Back in the US we now have instructors in 29 states and will be adding Oklahoma and Wyoming as well as Canada and South Africa in October. Our structure is similar to the American Heart Association as it relates to CPR. As an organization we continue to work toward better protocols and we oversee the business end of things so that our instructors can do what they do best – TEACH!
As we continue to stand out as the Leader in Motorcycle Trauma Training we hope you will get trained and make certain those around you are trained as well. After all, the more people we get trained the better off we will all be! For the same cost as an oil change you can spend an entire day getting trauma trained with the hope that you will never have to use it. Don’t see an instructor listed in your area? Contact us at the ASMI office where we will be happy to connect you to an instructor who is willing and able to travel. They will teach you how to:
P – prevent further injury
A – assess your situation
C – contact the EMS
T – treat the injured with Life sustaining care using ABCSS of Trauma
A – Airway –create passage for air using jaw thrust
B – Breath for injured if needed: Two breaths initially then one every 6-8
C – Circulation – control bleeding you can see
S – Shock – treat for internal bleeding and address psychogenic shock
S – Spinal immobilization
We are always in need of instructors and students. While ASM has trained over 20,000 students, there are millions of motorcyclists. Have you been trained? How about your co-riders? Our goal is to reduce injuries and fatalities to motorcyclists through education. Are you ready help your friend in a time of need? Are they ready to help you? Sign up today or contact us for more information.