If you have been assigned to an online class or you have purchased an online class, it will appear at the bottom of the page when you sign on. For instance, if you are an instructor, sign on the instructor’s secure area and scroll to the bottom of the page (it is a short trip). You will see your course where or if no courses are available it will read: “You are not assigned to any courses”
Once your student purchases their online course they will receive an email confirmation with a link to the course and a link to download a PDF of their book automatically when they start their course.
For the student to access their course they will need to click on the link and then sign in at the website.
Instructor Discount for Assigning courses for your students (Blended/Hybrid Learning)
Instructors can collect the online course fee from their students and then assign the course to them. We find completing this extra step for the student makes the process easier for them. Additionally, we find that assigning the course 30 days prior to the hands-on class keeps the information for students fresh. Instructors can charge the $35 class fee and then sign the student up and pay $25/student.
Use the Discount Code ASMinstrUSA for $10.00 off of each class.
Instructors may also order the online class ONE TIME for free to experience what a student experiences when taking the online class. To order ONE CLASS for yourself for free, purchase the class and enter the discount code: ASMinstructor for 100% off of your class.