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How to Host an ASM Class

Hosting an ASM Class

One of the most frequent questions we get asked at Accident Scene Management is “When will there be a class in my area?” That question is often answered by someone stepping up to host a class in order to fill that void. Most motorcyclists belong to a group of some sort. It is a great thing when you and your riding friends all know how to help each other. More people trained results in a better chance of a good outcome!



So how does a person go about putting together an

Instructor-Led (FULL DAY) 100 series Basic or 300 series Advanced class? 

We recommend that you check with your group to be sure that there would be enough interest to hold a class. If there is an Instructor in your area, that could be as few as 10 students. Even with well over 100 Instructors located throughout the United States, there are still many areas that do not have an Instructor nearby, which means that an Instructor would need to travel from a distance and there would be travel expenses. In that case, we typically want a minimum of 15 students so that we can keep the per/student cost at $100-$150.00. If you can get a group of 20 or more together then we can consider working on some discounts for the class. Depending on the distance and the number of paid students, travel expenses could be included at no additional charge, or the Instructor may request additional funds to help offset their travel expenses. This would be discussed up front (along with cost per student) so you know exactly what the cost will be before bringing the information to your group. There are no additional surprises or hidden fees.

The typical retail cost of our class fluctuates between $100-$150/student depending on what part of the country a person is in. This is the cost of a full-day program with a professional Instructor and includes all course materials, a certificate of completion and a patch. Each of our Instructors is independent, meaning that they are not “employed” by ASM. You can request a quote from one of our certified Instructors, or you can ask Accident Scene Management to put a class together for you. Having ASM put together a class is a good idea when there are no Instructors in your area, since our office has a great deal of experience coordinating events. When ASM puts a class together we use our experience to guide you through the process and will coordinate and pay an Instructor to come to you. If there is an Instructor in your area, however, we often recommend that you work with them directly.


Sponsorships: ASM works with a group of attorneys from the National Academy of Motorcycle Injury Lawyers as well as some individual attorneys in other states with whom we have developed relationships. These attorneys sponsor classes at varying levels. It’s worth checking with us to see if there is a sponsor in your area. If we don’t have someone, you might want to reach out to a motorcycle-friendly business near you and ask if they would pitch in. Even a free lunch is appreciated 🙂

Our prices assume that space is provided. We would need a space that is large enough for the students to sit at tables and chairs as well as allow enough floor space to practice hands-on skills. We will want a room that is conducive to a full-day class. Consider things that would be distracting such as noise in the surrounding area. Some facilities to consider would be motorcycle dealerships, American Legion halls, churches, community halls, etc. It is nice to have chairs that have some padding for comfort, and the facility should have restrooms. Carpeting is really helpful for the knees, but that is not a requirement. You should plan to communicate with your Instructor regarding the classroom setup. Accessibility should also be considered. For a guide to classroom space:  

ASM classroom & AV requirements

Most groups provide refreshments for the students. How elaborate you get is totally up to you! Lunch is typically “on your own” for each student unless the group or a sponsor provides lunch. Most classes are taught on a Saturday or a Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with an hour break for lunch.

Once the class details are put together, online event registration is created and students are directed to sign up for the event and prepay. This is important so we know the number of commitments we have, and this also generates a class roster and a confirmation letter for the students. If a class is canceled by an Instructor for any reason, students will be refunded 100% for the class or it can be rescheduled. If a student cancels, it is up to the Instructor to determine how much, if any, refund will be given. Spaces are limited, so last-minute cancellations can be problematic after the Instructor has ordered supplies and planned for a certain number of students. The registration is always 100% transferable to another person.


What is a 200 series blended learning class, and how does that work?

In today’s world, virtual classes have become a more popular option. A Blended Learning class blends virtual training (online) with a hands on in person or virtual in person component. Both online and in person must be completed in order to receive a certificate and patch. We recommend and believe an Instructor-led class is the best way to experience and learn our Bystander Assistance Program. We also understand that getting some training is better than getting no training! We have online classes that require about 2-3 hrs. of online coursework. Once a person signs up, they have 30 days to complete the online class. That class can be taken as a stand-alone for the information it provides (no certification will be given) or it can be paired with 3 hours of Hands-On skills which will provide certification for the student who completes both parts. The Hands-On class can be done either in person or via a virtual course held via zoom.


In-person Hands-on: You will need to schedule 3.5 hours of classroom time with an ASM instructor. The instructor brings class props for hands-on skills. The cost of online and hands-on is comparable to the fully instructor-led. A certificate and patch are issued upon completion. Classes can be 15-20 students. Consult with your instructor.

Virtual hands-on (Zoom): Classes are kept small, between 4 and 6 students, and are offered at least once a month. A group can request a class to be set up just for their group. The group will need to gather supplies in order to demonstrate skills and will need to be able to show skills that are demonstrated. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure they are prepared with adequate space, supplies, and video capabilities for the Instructor to view their demonstrations via video conference. Guides for how to set up a room, gather supplies, and even how to make a mannikin can be viewed HERE.

Hands on skills


Our goal is to get as many people trained as possible so that if something bad happens and a rider goes down, someone will be there who knows what to do. A bystander can get EMS started immediately rather than just panic calling 911.  A bystander can have confidence that they are doing the right thing instead of standing there helplessly wondering if or what they should do. We hope that you will make a commitment to get trained and help those around you receive training as well! We have pages of testimonials on our website. Not only have our fellow riders made the commitment to get trained, but many of them have helped people in their communities because of their training. Motorcyclists make wonderful Good Samaritans! Are you prepared to help one of your friends? Are they ready to help you?


If you are not already working on a class, feel free to fill out our request a class form below and we will be happy to get you started and provide information you can take to your friends or group. Have a more urgent or specific request? Call 262-706-3278 to leave a message and a member of our team will get back to you. We look forward to hearing from you!

Request a Class

  • This does not need to be specific, even a best guess or ballpark range is helpful for us to have an idea of how to best help.



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