Important Road Guardians Updates
A special thanks to our RG members! Because of them we will be upgrading our online refresher courses which will give access to people who have taken our class to keep their certification no matter where they live. While this has been available for a long time, the program will be enhanced with new videos and an interactive learning experience.
As the new membership coordinator of the Road Guardians program I am making it a priority to find ways to give back to our members. As a reminder, coming up next week (April 30th) we will be holding our first monthly giveaway of a $25 Amazon gift card! In order to be entered you must be a current RG member and a part of our new Road Guardians closed Facebook page (contest rules). You must request to join if you have not done so already. Note: If you have an item or gift certificate you would like to donate for a giveaway ($25 value or more) please e-mail
For the month of May we will be giving away a free Road Guardians River Road Fundraiser pass worth $50! All current RG members will be put into the drawing. Important: Our River Run room block at Bluffview Inn expires 5/18 so be sure to book soon!
Not sure if you are a current RG member? Shoot us a note and we will check for you.