Accident Scene Management / Road Guardians
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Accident Scene Management / Road Guardians
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How ASM Student Used Training

Kevin’s Experience


I attended the ASM Basic 100 series class held in Stratford, WI this past May. Who knew that less than 2 months later I would need to use my knowledge and skills! Yesterday, Jay was in an accident (he also attended the class). Jay hit a truck in the driver’s door doing about 55 mph. Just like we learned in class, I started going through P.A.C.T. steps to guide me through exactly what to do.


P- (Prevent Further Injuries) The scene was safe

A- (Assess the Scene) Jay was talking and there was no bleeding. He was complaining about pain in his chest.

C- (Contact EMS) A passenger of the truck called 911 and said help was on the way, we were about 15 miles from a hospital in Medford.

T- (Treat Injuries with Life Sustaining Care) I determined that it was best to leave his helmet on and not move him.


Jay was able to be discharged from the hospital after being treated last night for a cracked sternum. Thank you for the training, which helped me determine the most appropriate care for my friend when he needed my help!

Submitted by Kevin

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