The Road Guardians program was created to expand and support Accident Scene Management’s (ASM) mission to reduce injuries and fatalities through First Response Education. Since 1996, over 40,000 students have been trained by certified instructors in 32 states in the USA and four countries. Utilizing ASM’s years of knowledge and experience, the Road Guardians Program was created in 2010 as a nationally branded program among motorcyclists. Road Guardians provides 3 R’s: Resources, Rewards, and Recognition to those who take the initiative to be properly trained. We encourage motorcyclists to be “lifelong learners” by providing educational resources and leveraging partnerships with safety-minded businesses.
We seek to create a one-stop community for learning ways to improve riding skills, links to safety education and services, legal resources (as recommended by Bikers), biker owned businesses, local and national events and news. RG members receive exclusive member benefits (click here to view). Join Road Guardians today to become part of our community!
To view a full list of first hand accounts from students and professionals who have used their ASM training click HERE