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Phil Lemin has the experience of 30yrs in Emergency Ambulance in Rural Victoria, Australia and he continued his emergency work on Remote Mining and Construction sites throughout Australia. Phil has been a long term motorcyclist and has been touted as owning every brand of motorcycle made with the exception of Harley Davidson.
In 2010 whilst attending Americade In Upper New York State Phil saw a presentation by Gail and David Riley on ASM training he was impressed with what was being taught and the concept of building skills within the Motorcycle community. After talking to Gail and David, Phil was put in touch with Vicki Sanfelipo .
Phil attended instructor training in the USA in 2011 and then set to work developing the ASM program into the Australian Training Framework.
Over approximately 8 yrs, ASM Australia delivered training around Australia, New Zealand and Singapore to over 3500 students
ASMA was successful in receiving Government funding for a number of course that were well attended to a large range of Motorcyclists.
After a hiatus, past students coerced Phil into reestablishing Accident Scene Management Australia.
With the capable assistance of Lezanne Dekoning, ASMA has been once again providing the benchmark of motorcycle trauma training around the world.
Phil hopes to grow ASMA back to its former position of the leading provider in Australia. Phil is building a crew of enthusiast people wanting to bring training to your group. Contact ASMA through this link and hope we can get more riders trained in your community.