Accident Scene Management / Road Guardians
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Accident Scene Management / Road Guardians
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About Us

About ASMI

– Emergency Medical Physician – Chair – Wisconsin Physician Advisory Council Dr. Martens is Board certified in Emergency medicine and practices at St. Nicholas Hospital in Sheboygan, WI. as well as Infinity Healthcare in Mequon, WI. She serves as vice-chair of the SE Wisconsin Trauma Advisory Council. She received her Pre-Med education at Marquette University...
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Vicki Roberts-Sanfelipo, RN- ASM Founder & Author of ASM educational programs, Executive Director ASM/Road Guardians Milwaukee, WI – Vicki, AKA “Spitfire”,  established the non-profit organization Accident Scene Management in 1996 in order to reduce injuries and fatalities to motorcyclists through First Response training. Vicki has been an RN since 1984 and worked for over 25...
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    Scooter Scribes & Road Guardians   Just as other motorcycle-related publications are folding up, along comes an online news magazine that promises to charm the leathers off its discerning, insightful readers. Held by a creative crew of seasoned industry veterans, Scooter Scribes is a delightful read populated by current news, artful imagery, and...
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Men being funny
  It’s time to celebrate! 2018 has been such an exciting and transforming year for ASM/Road Guardians.  We are ending this year with nearly 100 new Road Guardian Members. If you are not already a Member we would love to have you join!  There are many benefits to becoming an RG Member, click HERE to...
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We support MC safety
Important Road Guardians Updates A special thanks to our RG members!  Because of them we will be upgrading our online refresher courses which will give access to people who have taken our class to keep their certification no matter where they live.  While this has been available for a long time, the program will be...
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Motorcycle Accident
Road Guardians support Motorcycle Trauma Training education as a critical element to outcomes should a crash occur. Road Guardians is a nationally branded program that supports Accident Scene Management’s Mission to Reduce Injuries and fatalities to Motorcyclists. Join Our Mission Now and become a Road Guardian Member! What is Accident Scene Management? Accident Scene Management...
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Accident Scene Management Class
  Giving doesn’t have to cost anything! Below are a few ways your can join mission to reduce injuries to motorcyclists. Charity begins at home. Please help us spread the news and participate with us! Join us in 2014 by helping with one of these below: Tell a friend about Road Guardians & ASM training...
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