Accident Scene Management / Road Guardians
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Accident Scene Management / Road Guardians
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Rider Education

Rider Education – if you have completed basic training then think about challenging yourself to take advanced training.

An ordinary first aid kit just won’t cut it. The types of common injuries that motorcyclists may experience need a special balance of first aid and trauma supplies. It is important to know the purpose of, and how to use every item in your motorcycle first aid/trauma kit– otherwise it’s just taking up valuable space....
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Ama Communicate
Attending A Public Hearing Or MeetingWhether at the city, state or federal level, the legislative and regulatory process usually includes an opportunity for public involvement. Sometimes the law requires agencies to release new regulations in proposal form, and then calls for a period of time for citizens to give their opinions in writing, at hearings,...
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How to fit your motorcycle properly
  Vicki Sanfelipo shows us how to fit your motorcycle properly.  She gives tips for shorter riders and what to look for when getting on a motorcycle to be safe.
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Women motorcycle
A Harley-Davidson-sponsored study about women and motorcycles says those who ride are considerably happier, more confident and more fulfilled than those who do not. Freud asked, “What does woman want?” Harley-Davidson has the answer. She wants a motorcycle — or should. That is the result of a study of female motorcycle riders and non-riders, commissioned...
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Close up of motorcycle
Content and picture provided by Aaron Rote. Sometimes, the best way to break a bad habit is to avoid forming it in the first place. This can be especially true for new motorcyclists, who require an extra degree of care and vigilance when first heading out on the open road. Whether by choosing the right apparel,...
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One Person Helmet Removal
Vicki shows you how a helmet would be removed with only one person.
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Rescue breathing devices
Which breathing devices should you use to help save a life?  This video shows you the best breathing devices to keep you safe while you are helping a crash victim.
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Jaw thrust breathing
In this video learn how to properly help someone who is not breathing at the scene of a motorcycle crash.  Learn how to be mindful of head injury and internal bleeding injuries of a person who has been in a motorcycle crash with the jaw thrust technique to move their tongue and help them begin...
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