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Accident Scene Management / Road Guardians
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Professional Rescuers Receive Motorcycle Trauma Training

Professional Rescuers Receive Motorcycle Trauma Training

By Vicki Sanfelipo, RN

Accident Scene Management is known for its bystander programs that teach motorcyclists what to do at the scene of a crash but did you know we also have a Professional Series class that teaches EMS and police officers how to respond? A Motorcycle Trauma is not just like any other trauma. Safety Equipment, severity of injuries, the fact that we often travel in groups makes our mode and method of travel unique.

Recently two classes were taught in Upstate New York with one of the classes having 40 EMTs in attendance! More classes are being planned by Melissa Hyde, EMT and Mark Frank, Paramedic who both taught the classes. Lee Morrisette from Vermont has also taught 5 EMS classes so far this year and has more scheduled. Some of the comments that students have made are:

“Very informative class”

“Instructor highly knowledgeable”

“Course materials were interesting and relevant”

“The instructor presented the class at an excellent pace and the topics covered were very applicable”

ASM has both an EMS and a Law Enforcement version of our program. The class is 3 hours long and focuses on three distinct areas:

  • Safety concerns and handing off the motorcycle
  • Psychosocial concerns and apparel
  • Helmet removal and Jaw Thrust Rescue breathing

Because Law Enforcement typically arrives at the scene before EMS, their version includes moving the injured rider.  We try to set up a motorcycle lab with riders and different kinds of motorcycles understanding that while the trained professionals know treatment, they might know very little about motorcycles and may have developed pre-conceived notions about who motorcyclists are due to sensationalized TV shows depicting motorcyclists as reckless and criminal.

patched patch club

Does your community EMS need a class? Do you know anyone willing to sponsor an EMS class? Often departments have limited budgets for training so involving the community or having a fundraiser is an easy way for riders to provide training for the EMS which in turn benefits the riders in that community.

To learn more, go to:

500 Series: Instructor Led Professional

If you would link to request a class please contact us here.


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2 Responses
    1. Vicki Sanfelipo

      Hi Sueann:

      My apologies for taking so long to get back to you. We were going through the accreditation process which took longer than we expected. I am happy to report that we are now CAPCE accredited!