Accident Scene Management / Road Guardians
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Accident Scene Management / Road Guardians
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This option should be chosen if you are or have completed A Crash Course for the Motorcyclist. 6.0 CEs
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The Health Benefits of Riding a Motorcycle Did you know a motorcycle ride can be compared to a light workout? Riding a motorcycle is not only an exciting and enjoyable activity, but also a healthy one. Many people may not realize that it can have positive effects on both their physical and mental health. Here...
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Brianna's Cannonball crew
  The Motorcycle Cannonball is an endurance run that many see as man/woman vs machine. It was started by Lonnie Isam, Jr. in 2010. He wanted to go riding with his friends on their antique motorcycles, and that dream took him on an adventure of a lifetime! Often, antique motorcycles are stuck in museums collecting dust,...
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Hosting an ASM Class One of the most frequent questions we get asked at Accident Scene Management is “When will there be a class in my area?” Often that question results in someone stepping up to host a class in order to fill that void. Most motorcyclists belong to a group of some sort. It...
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Motorcycle riders love getting out on the open road to enjoy a nice long ride. For many motorcyclists, nothing beats the anticipation and feeling of a nice long road trip. While extremely avoidable, some long-distance rides can be quite exhausting. Planning ahead will help you get the most out of your trip and give you...
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Professional Rescuers Receive Motorcycle Trauma Training By Vicki Sanfelipo, RN Accident Scene Management is known for its bystander programs that teach motorcyclists what to do at the scene of a crash but did you know we also have a Professional Series class that teaches EMS and police officers how to respond? A Motorcycle Trauma is...
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  Selling your motorcycle can be a rewarding and profitable experience, but it also requires some preparation and patience. Here are some tips to help you sell your bike successfully and safely. Know your vehicle and your price Before you list your bike for sale, you should know its condition, history, and value. Gather all...
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No one sets out on a ride expecting that a motorcycle will go down.  As the author of ” A Crash Course for the Motorcyclist” I often offer to run the back of group rides since I have training and supplies. There were several of us that were placed in various positions to be of help if needed...
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