Accident Scene Management / Road Guardians
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Accident Scene Management / Road Guardians
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Motorcycle Crash
Motorcycle crash with water bottle.
  Dirty – Clean – Sterile  Question:  I took the 100 class yesterday at the Roanoke Valley Harley Davidson. It was an amazing class and I appreciate everything y’all do. I do have a question however. I am a firefighter/EMT: I checked with one of our FTO master paramedics, his wife who is an ER Trauma attending...
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Learn how to be a side by side assistant to the EMS by enhancing what is learned in "A Crash Course for the Motorcyclist". Students are taught how to be a leader at a scene. Advanced airway, Roadside medical concerns, Assisting the EMS with extrication, femoral & brachial pressure points, role play, critical incident stress,...
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chest compressions
Q- Why don’t you teach CPR in Accident Scene Management classes? A- CPR is an important skill. Through the years, many people have learned that if a person is having a cardiac event and has collapsed, the response is to put their hands in the middle of their chest and start pressing. In the case...
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Picturesque Day until the Turkeys It was a picturesque day for our group ride, a charity event, which made the group quite large. Riding in the middle of the pack, we suddenly slowed down, sensing an incident at the front. It turned out that the leaders spotted a group of large turkeys on the road...
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This is Doris Weber.  This week I had the privilege of talking to a woman who owns a blue motorcycle, that within one year’s time saved and took her son’s life.  Let me explain. Dalton was a young man who suffered from depression for most of his life.  The last ten years were especially grueling for...
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It’s that time of year, deer season. While deer are around all year, the population actually peaks in the spring. However the risk of hitting them on the road peaks October through December. This is during their annual rut, meaning they are on the move during this time of year. It’s also the time of...
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harley davidson motorcycle rider
The HOG chapter I belong to was conducting a group riding class. We use the class to teach new members and others how we ride as a group. After a 1 hour classroom presentation, we took to the road to put this information into practice. We had 2 safety officers riding sweep at the end...
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We at ASM received the following email from a student after taking the Online Basic Course “I finished the online class, which was awesome! I’m back into motorcycling after a 25 year layoff and I seem to come across accidents on the regular where I am (Northern CA). I feel way more prepared now and...
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