Accident Scene Management / Road Guardians
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Accident Scene Management / Road Guardians
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chest compressions
Q- Why don’t you teach CPR in Accident Scene Management classes? A- CPR is an important skill. Through the years, many people have learned that if a person is having a cardiac event and has collapsed, the response is to put their hands in the middle of their chest and start pressing. In the case...
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wind advisory
  Riding a motorcycle in high winds can be a challenging experience, even for the most seasoned riders. The unpredictability of gusts can make maintaining control and balance difficult. However, with the right techniques and precautions, it is possible to safely navigate through windy conditions. The Impact of Wind on Your Motorcycle Wind can push...
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I have just completed the ASM ‘Crash Course for Motorcyclists’ held at Chirnside Park and would like to pass on to fellow motorcyclists that this is an excellent course, very well presented, and focused on motorcyclists and our needs. As a Ships Master and lecturer, I have the misfortune of having to attend many First...
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Warning to the public. Motorsport can be dangerous
The Isle of Man TT (Tourist Trophy) Race stands out as a prestigious and challenging motorcycle race worldwide. Taking place annually on the Isle of Man, a British Crown dependency nestled in the Irish Sea between Great Britain and Ireland, this event has mesmerized motorsport enthusiasts since its establishment in 1907. Known for its grueling...
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Question: Do I need to take a Basic class if I have medical training?  The answer is yes! I like to tell people that our class is like Basic Training. Regardless of a person’s background, no one gets to skip basic training! The word basic was a nickname given to our class by some of...
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World map
Part 2  SPOT TRACKER – or similar device. Imagine your phone does not have a signal and your bike broke down in the middle of nowhere, or even worse … yes, it happens …  you need the good old “panic” button of your spot tracker. The spot tracker is good for your family and friends...
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This option should be chosen if you are or have completed A Crash Course for the Motorcyclist. 6.0 CEs
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