Accident Scene Management / Road Guardians
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Accident Scene Management / Road Guardians
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Many of us who have been riding any length of time know that it is a good idea to carry some basic first aid items. Items such as Ibuprofen, band-aids, sting relief, burn cream, and antiseptic wipes are a part of most first aid kits and can come in handy for everyday situations. Often a...
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ASM in person classes are still being held, even during this health crisis that we are facing. As we negotiate COVID-19 and local restrictions, the following guidelines have been developed to help a group who is interested in hosting a class to make decisions in the best interest of everyone. This guidance is in effect...
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It seems everyone has their hands out this year asking for help. It’s been a rough one for most of us, especially nonprofit organizations. At Road Guardians, our passion is to help motorcyclists by empowering them to act in a time of need. Our first responder training for motorcyclists not only helps those in motorcycle...
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Pre-requisite: Completion of the 200 Series Online Class In order to complete ASM class certification (student earns Continuing Education credits and an ASM Logo patch), students must complete both the online class and a hands-on class. If an in-person hands-on class is not available (recommended), then completion of a “virtual” hands-on class via zoom, google...
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Watch for Motorcycles
  Riding a motorcycle can be one of the most satisfying experiences anyone can have But there is the grim reality of motorcycle crashes. It’s a possible situation that all riders need to prepare for should a collision ever happen to them. Sophisticated technology and gear does help to keep riders safe on the road....
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After an Accident
For all motorists alike, recovering from an accident is no easy task, no matter how minor the incident. Unlike individuals in car accidents, motorists don’t have a shield of metal to help protect them. Thus, it is crucial to make sure the proper steps for recovering are taken after a motorcycle accident. Provided below are...
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Written by: Attorney Michael F. Hupy Motorcycle accidents are a very unfortunate reality that all riders need to accept and prepare themselves to face. Despite the best efforts of the motorcycle community encouraging other motorists to watch for riders and make the roads safer and accommodating for them, accidents will sadly still happen. Understanding the...
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Written by Malcom Lee Over the years, I’ve been lucky enough to ride through some really interesting parts of the world, and the one thing that police the world over love to see is a foreign number plate. In a remote part of Greece, a police officer pulled me over just for a friendly chat...
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