Our Accident Scene Management Instructors are the coolest. I know I sound like a proud Mama sometimes when I talk about them but if you knew what I knew, you would crow too! Al Lankford, from Hobart, WI is technically inclined by nature and has developed some great tools that are used in industry but...Read More
It Has Affected Everyone During this time of the COVID-19 pandemic, I believe many of us are wondering if we have lost our human connection! It has been a hard adjustment to consider options other than getting together in groups. For most motorcyclists, it’s what we do! Any opportunity to get together and talk about...Read More
We are always looking to make our website more helpful to you. We wanted to showcase a few things we have been doing on the backend to make sure you knew about all the possibilities of engaging with Road Guardians! We created an updated look with a new website structure that has been...Read More
I would love to have a dollar for every time a person has asked me when we are going to have more in-person classes on the schedule. This year has been a unique one for sure and no one has been unaffected by the coronavirus pandemic. People have been pushed to make choices that...Read More
For all motorists alike, recovering from an accident is no easy task, no matter how minor the incident. Unlike individuals in car accidents, motorists don’t have a shield of metal to help protect them. Thus, it is crucial to make sure the proper steps for recovering are taken after a motorcycle accident. Provided below are...Read More
Written by Malcom Lee Over the years, I’ve been lucky enough to ride through some really interesting parts of the world, and the one thing that police the world over love to see is a foreign number plate. In a remote part of Greece, a police officer pulled me over just for a friendly chat...Read More
#1 REASON MOTORCYCLISTS ARE NOT TRAINED Author: Vicki Sanfelipo, RN – Executive Director ASM MONEY. I always tell my new instructors that though our cause is noble and there are millions of motorcyclists who need to be trained in First Response, our ask is a difficult one. We ask for both TIME and MONEY. I...Read More
Arizona ASM training has suffered since Teresa McClelland-Martinez (beloved ASM instructor, a nurse nick named Trauma Mama) moved to Texas to help open new free-standing Emergency Care Centers. She started out at the South Eastern tip of Texas and now working on doing the same in the San Antonio area. After a few years...Read More