Accident Scene Management / Road Guardians
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Accident Scene Management / Road Guardians
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Memorial Wall
  Over the years we have received donations from families who wish to honor their loved ones. We have sent a card to the family on behalf of a benefactor and we have listed a person’s name on our website as a donor but we didn’t have a meaningful way to honor the person who...
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#1 REASON MOTORCYCLISTS ARE NOT TRAINED Author: Vicki Sanfelipo, RN – Executive Director ASM MONEY. I always tell my new instructors that though our cause is noble and there are millions of motorcyclists who need to be trained in First Response, our ask is a difficult one. We ask for both TIME and MONEY. I...
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COVID-19 & Motorcycling Author: Vicki Sanfelipo, RN – Executive Director ASM Photo Credit: Priyajit Singh   In just one month our world has spun upside down. These are uncertain times and we are with you all in mourning the loss of our freedom, our business of saving lives, and even some of our friends have...
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What protection does anyone have against being a victim of a hit-and-run? The only real protection is carrying a large amount of uninsured motorist coverage on your insurance policy. In the event of a hit-and-run crash, or any crash for that matter, after or during assessment of injuries a call is placed to the emergency...
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